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Stonehaven Shelties Reg’d

Performance Stars

On this page that we’d like to share some of our performance stars and what they’re training in, as

well as what they’ve accomplished.

We would like to extend our most sincere thank you for all your hard work with your fun fur ball!

Keep up the amazing training and please keep us up-to-date on all of your activities and


(Am.) BPISS MBPIG CH (Can.) BBPIG MBPIG CH Grandgables Reigning King CH Grandgables Quite Endearing ROMC X Am. CH Can. GCH Grandgables Avebury King Coal ROMC

Reign was shown to his Canadian

Championship by Stephanie Torenvliet and

Guy Jeavons.

He then was shown in the USA to his

American Championship by Jamie Ennis and

Sandi Benton.

He is now owned and trained by Joy Bishop

and is living in Colorado, enjoying the semi-

retired show life, but loves training in herding,

obedience & agility - he loves it all!

Stonehavens Bruiser Bukowski CRN CRA CRE CH Grandgables Quite Endearing ROMC X BISS Am/Can CH Grandgables Give’M the Boot AOM

Bruiser is currently training in agility, obedience & rally

and is loving every minute of it with his owner and

training partner Neil Slack.

At his first rally trial, they earned three qualifying runs, all with excellent scores! And recently, he achieved all high scores in CARO Rally Advanced as well as Excellent and has acquired two more titles - congratulations Neil!
Stonehaven Effervescence MBPIG Ch Stonehaven Evocative X MBISS Am GCh Can Ch Grandgables Turn On The Charm ROM ROMC AOM3

Fizz is currently training in rally and agility and puts

his heart into anything he does 100% with his owner

and training partner Lorie Hughes Godin.

He also very much enjoys working as a ‘demo dog’ for

Lorie, when she teaches at McCann Professional Dog


Fizz has another ‘job’ where he works with Lorie at a

child psychology practice, where he is an excellent ice

breaker and is happy to perform his repertoire of

tricks for the children and their parents.

Stonehaven Lockdown BPIS BPIG Ch Ennismoor This Girl Is On Fire X BPISS MBPIG MBBPIG Ch Highledge Reminisce
Keeper is currently in training for her future agility career, working on foundation exercises. She is also Carolyn’s latest video star in showing her clients/students “how to” videos - to teach and train puppy foundation skills for a future canine athlete. You can see the two working on her YouTube channel: McIntyre Canine Rehabilitation